Alfian Bagus Hartanto, Muhammad Kholil


This study aims to determine the right marketing strategy and competitive by first identifying, assessing internal factors and external environment affecting the company. This is done by using the method of SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Oppurtunity, Threat), who coined by Albert Humphrey. SWOT Analysis is the analysis used to evaluate business opportunities and threats in the environment as well as strengths and weaknesses internal company owned. This research was conducted by survey methods (interviews and questionnaires) in the General Manager with company marketing staff and consumer companies. The result is then analyzed by the method of SWOT Analysis Internal Analysis External Analysis of SAP and ETOP. Internal factors, external, position and type of business and corporate strategy is an independent variable, which means that each variable does not do comparisons, but explain to each other and affect other variables. The results showed that the marketing strategy by companies is the Investment Strategy, which the company's position in the SAFE position and type of business is business IDEAL. This investment strategy means the corporate environment supportive to invest and then reaping (harvesting). Companies can use the previous company's strategy to improve some weaknesses companies and avoid or defend against the threat of the company by creating a more competitive strategy.


Company Strategy, SWOT, Internal Factors, External Factors

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