STRATEGI PEMASARAN WORD OF MOUTH PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID 19 (Studi Pada Produk Home Industri Mie Eblek Desa Kasepuhan)

Atmariani Artanti, Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha


The purpose of this study was to determine the marketing strategy of word of mouth for the cracker noodle home industry in Kasepuhan village owned by Mr. Iman. This type of research is field research (Field Research) with a descriptive qualitative approach method. Using primary data sources obtained from observations, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that in Kasepuhan village in practice only through word of mouth did not use print and electronic media. In the midst of a pandemic, eblek noodle products continue to carry out word of mouth promotion, which he considers more practical, effective in attracting consumer buying but has decreased turnover. However, during a new normal like this, the eblek noodle industry uses three strategies, namely digital marketing strategies, soft selling strategies without leaving the word of mouth strategy so that Mr. Imanudin’s eblek noodle business can remain competitive.

Keywords: Word of mouth marketing, home industry, and promotion

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