Titin Isna Oesman


Waste is a problem that until now have not been able to be resolved properly. Many alternatives have been tried, but apparently have not give satisfactory results. This is because many people are less concerned about the existance of trash, they think that the garbage is something dirty, disgusting and useless and should be discarded. Garbage is actually an unwanted waste material after the particular also a process, and result people aetrity. In developed countries, waste management has been introduced fo student is early five schol thie waste treaturt, reduce, reuse, end recycle, and also composting (3RC), are calter integrated waste management.The results show that, NPV is Rp. 4.020.500,-, IRR is 21 % and PI is 1.066. Based on positive NPV think interest rate of IRR, and also PI is greeter one, so it is could give a benefit to do a naete management business. However, to do so this business, entrepreneurshould be wastet together with beal goverment is order to get supervision and also achaneed herouledge are sheel for waste processing.


waste, reduce, reuse, recycle, NPV, IRR, PI

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