Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Terhadap Keterampilan Sosial Dan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas V SD

Dian Ikawati Rahayuningtyas


This research aims to reveal the difference between the effect of  the Guided Inquiry Learning    Model and the expository learning model on: (1) the social skill, and (2) the  social study achievement of the year V  students of elementary schools in Ki Hajar Dewantara Group, Cilongok. This  research  was a quasi  experiement. The  design  which  was used vvas pretest-posttest  control group design with two experimental groups taught by using the guided inquiry model and  expository model respectively. The research population was all of year V students of elernantary     schools  in Ki Hajar Dewantara group, Cilongok. The sample consisting of class VA as the experimental   class I class VB Kalisari Elementary schools as the experimen class II and year TV students of Cikidang 2 Elementary School as the control class was established by using the cluster random sampling technique. The instrument used was a test, to discover the social skill and the social study achievement before and  after the treatment. The realibility of  the instrument was catagorized as good at the value of 0.7 Cronbach's Alpa .The data analysis used the Paired Sample T-test and Independent Sample Titest supported by SPSS 16.0 for Windows. The results of the research showed that: (1) there is a different effect between thee guided inquiry   model and the expository learning model on the social skill at the significance level of  0,000 < 0.05, and (2) there is a different effect between the guided inquiry model and the expository learning    model on the social study achievement at the significance level of 0.000  < 0.05.


Guided Inquiry Learning Model; social skill; social study achievement

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