The real owner of the resources in this universe is Allah SWT. Humans and creatures that live in the world, in this case are only recipients of entrusted by Him only temporarily and cannot have forever. So at any time it can be taken back by Him, namely Allah SWT. As contained in the word of Allah in Qs. Al-Baqarah verse 284 which states that absolute ownership of property is not recognized in Islam: "To Allah is everything that is in the heavens and what is on earth. And if you give birth to what is in your heart or you hide it, surely Allah will make a calculation with you about your deeds. Then Allah forgives whom He wants and torments whom He wants, and Allah is almighty over all things ". As we know that Man is the caliph of his property, this is also explained in QS. Al-Hadiid verse 7: “Have faith in Allah and His Messenger and spend part of your wealth which Allah has made you control. So those who believe among you and spend (part) of their wealth will receive a great reward.
Keywod: Rights, Ownership in Islam
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