PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN TERHADAP KINERJA (Studi Pada Kantor Desa Adimulya Kecamatan Wanareja)
This study titled leadership effects on performance (Studies in Rural Adimulyasubdistrict office Wanareja). Substitution headman in the village adimulya always done, but the device is likely to remain. The issues raised in this study are: (How Leadership in the village of the District AdimulyaWanareja, 2. How Device Performance village In the village of the District AdimulyaWanareja and Leadership 3. What positive effect on performance in the village Adimulya. This study uses a quantitative approach, with a focus on measurement and description of leadership influence on performance. It does not mean completely ignoring the qualitative approach, especially to explain the results of measurements using instruments of statistical analysis. While research method used is survey method, which focuses on the respondent data that have been defined in the study. for examine the relationship between independent and dependent variables used multiple linear regression. the results of the analysis showed that the village leadership adimulyaWanareja districts has been good, in the village adimulya device performance is good enough, and positive influence on the performance of the leadership of the village.
Keywords: Leadership, Performance
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